Bad Vibes
February 23, 2020
Your vehicle has a way of letting you know when something's wrong. Consider a vibrating steering wheel. It certainly didn't do that when it was new, so that shake is trying to tell you something. There are a few things that can cause your steering wheel to vibrate as you drive down the road. One... More

Exhaust Service at Auto Lab Livonia: Passing the Smell Test
February 16, 2020
The exhaust system on a vehicle is more complex than most Livonia residents realize. It contains everything from old-fashioned pipes and clamps to sophisticated computers and sensors. All MI folks know a properly functioning exhaust system is good for the environment, but sometimes we forget tha... More

QUIET TIME (Listening for Vehicle Problems)
February 9, 2020
Everybody's got friends like this. You know, the kind who, the minute they get in their vehicle and turn the key, the sound system is deafening. They just love to hear that music, sports, news anything but the sound of the vehicle itself. And maybe you're that person, too. Here's something to ... More

Hey Livonia Drivers: How Do You Save Gas?
February 2, 2020
Higher Livonia fuel prices aren't going away any time soon. That's not good news for our wallets. A lot of Livonia drivers are trying to find ways to cut down on fuel consumption and hang on to some of their hard-earned money.North Americans drive billions of miles less during months of high fuel... More